

03 February 2017

TIME seminar 15 Feb. @12:00

TIME seminar 15 Feb. @12:00

TIME-MBE is pleased to invite you to a seminar by Dr. Maria Markaki. The seminar will take place on the 15th of February, at 12:00, in room A2-2 of the Economics Department, University of Crete, Rethymnon. The title of the talk, which will last for 90 minutes, is International Trade and Carbon Footprint.


The goal of this paper is twofold: i) to investigate the carbon footprint of Greek households throughout the period 1995–2012, in order to identify the main socio-economic factors that affect GHG emissions, and ii) to evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented policies to tackle climate change. In this, a consumption-based emissions inventory approach is applied. The analysis is based on an environmentally-extended input-output model including direct CO2 emissions from households, indirect CO2emissions from electricity consumption and indirect CO2 emissions from energy used in the production of goods and services purchased by households, domestic or imported. Statistical analysis and appropriate regression models were developed in order to identify the main factors influencing the carbon footprint of Greek households. The results indicate that the observed trends during the period 1995–2008 can be attributed to the effect of high economic growth. This trend is partially counterbalanced by favorable weather conditions and the implementation of greenhouse mitigation policies and measures mainly in the supply side. Since 2008 the shrinking household income is the dominant driver. In addition, the effectiveness of energy conservation policies and measures in place is rather low, while the effect of imports is limited.

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